As I pack up my life again into a 5×6 storage unit, I find freedom and simplicity. On the go, on the road, flying and airport layovers, i find inspiration. My life is one big adventure that I want to share. These times of travels brings feelings of letting go of old as life presents bold and wild choices. Julia Stone is ringing in my ears. A specific tone that is perfect to pack to. I am inspired by her stories, her voice of enticing choices of melody and mystery. I want to play my guitar but I keep starring at my empty suitcase and know it has to be filled.  I check the weather forecast to help me pack appropriatly for India. I am about to set off to the birth place of Yoga with my mat and open heart to learn and practice on a new path of renewal and fresh beginnings. I am humbled by the history and spiritual energy. By the colour and diversity. Before I leave I say goodbye to my homeland and give my love to all those that have been around me as we have journeyed together. I say hello to new friends and teachers. This is what living feels like. To feel that tickle in your belly, that excitement in your heart right before you embark on an adventure that has been waiting for you so patiently to enter.

Until next time my friends…

thanks for reading. xo




Aly Nind